2度のリストラで北九州市に都落ちしたスキー馬鹿がパパになりました。 その育児日記です。
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I was busy last week because I had the job which the deadline was the end of January. My busy time will continue until 10th Feburary because I will go to Niseko Annupuri from 11th Feburary.

It is difficult to choose a celebrity because I think the general idea is different from Japanese to British, so I confused to choose the celebrity.

There were four celebrities on my textbook but I knew only one actor. I played situation game with the card which I can become a celebriy or not.
I couldn't became celebrity as a result. B...bad luck.

I often misspronoune some specific words in English. I have to study hard.
 I went to Kokura branch of Fukuoka district court today because I would like to know the court decision of my acquaintance. The court decision was two years and six months with suspended sentence for three years. Kokura branch is new one and clean.

I studied the progressive form tonight. I made the example with the progressive form of trends.

I said that many people are eating fried chicken of KFC these days. KFC is always busy christmas time.

I listened to the CD which described trends. I couldn't satisfied with my listening skill as usual.

I have to study English more, especially listening.

I told my teacher about my news of last week as usual.

I went to Marinoa city which is shopping mall in Fukuoka-city with my girl friend last Sunday. We were looked around Marinoa city and went to Dainyo. We ate dinner at there.

My teacher selected six urban legends which are "U.F.O.", "The Barmuda triungle", "The Lizard man","Nessie","Big foot" and The stone henge".

I explained to her about "U.F.O". at first. The US government developed UFO as a scret weapon with Alien. That is my kidding, ha,ha,ha…

I studied listening after that. She told me that I always said "I didn't understand at all" but that was wrong, I did understand and my attiude was better than Last Tuseday.

I try to understand all of sentences of English, that is my goal.

I took mini-TOEIC before my lesson tonight.

I told my teacher that NW Kitakyushu lost the match last Sunday. Our position was 10th in this season. It was decided that we cant' have the opening match in our home town in next season.

We have the big problem which the average audience is under three thousand. We have to solve the audience problem at first.

I listen to the interview with Anita Roddick who founed the body shop.

I could understand the general meaning of this interview but I couldn't accept it perfectly.

My teacher always tell me that I should understand the general meaning at fierst. Actually, It is good that I can inderstand it perfectly but it is really difficult. I should unerstand the general meaning at first, and then I should step up to unaderstand more.

I know what she means but I can not accept it as usual.
I took the counseling tonight. My weak points are listening and grammer. Both skills are improving steady but it is still incompetent yet.

I reported the result of football match. We lost it because of the f○○king head umpire. He is the famouse notorious terrible umpire.

And I had the lunch on Saturday with my friend. My teacher was interested in this story.

I studied "Business word" tonight. It is a little different from normal word. I try to remember a lot of business word.

Every question were tough one for me. I was suffered from tough question. It was very difficult to make the answer.

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