At first, I reported that NW KItakyushu won the match on last Sunday.
I told her that Rangers Fans showed the banner which said "Nakamura ate my dog". She was surprised because she didn't know such Rangers Fans.
And Telegragh which is the newspaper in Britain criticized thier banner but they misunderstood Japanese because they siad that 7% Japanese dog owners eat the dogfood which was planned by the Royal Family in Britain in the latest survey.
We don't usually eat a dogfood.
Telegragh was fised by the blog which introduced that 7.1% Japanese dog owner makes thier dog eat the same food as they usually eat.
I study the topic:book in the lesson now. I don't usually read a novel but a practial book.
I need to read a novel to study the topic of BOOK, so I bought the novel which was "crab canning boat". I started to read it from yesterday.
I can use it as a textbook when I finish reading the book.