I went to Fukuoka city to buy a cream of "Lush" because there is no Lush shpo in Kitakyushu. She asked me why I used Lush products. I believe Lush is the best for me now because I have tried to ues a lot of creams for shaving.
JFL strated on Sunday. NW Kitakyushu played in Toyama prefecture. I wanted to go to Toyama but there was the monthly meeting on Monday morning. I had to stay in here on Sunday.
It is last day which study of Stereotypes. I listned to the CD which non-natives speak English.
First woman was Spanish. It was hard to listen her pronounciation. It was difficult to catch some words.
Man was Hungarian. It actually was difficult to listen to his accent, too but it was easy to judge who he were from because he sied it is popular to use paprika when they cooked thier dishies.
I cooked Hingarian cuisin last Monday.